Francie Johnsen
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Join us for the monthly Highland Park High School All Alumni Gathering Wednesday March 27th 5 to 7 pm at The Barley House!

Our March event is graciously underwritten by Carter Malouf - Private Jeweler (Carter is a 1984 HPHS grad).

Appetizers and 1st beverage will be provided.

We hope to see you there! Whether you just stop in for a few minutes or stay the whole time, this is a FUN event for ALL former students.

Share this post with your classmates, friends, family,...! It’s always GREAT fun catching up and making new connections. (The welcome table will be open til 7pm with 1st drink coupons, but stay as long as you like!)

There’s tons of room here to overflow, so let’s get a festive huge crowd!

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