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Dallas, TX: In March of 2020, HP Pres joined with Dallas Leadership Foundation to provide bi-monthly food boxes to low-income families who were hit hard by the pandemic. Since food insecurity persists and grocery costs are climbing, the Food Box Distribution Program has remained operational.

Every other week, up to 20 volunteers help pack 600 boxes with food, including fresh fruits and vegetables, bread, rice, beans, pasta, and canned staples. Since its inception, this program has distributed 31,356 food boxes to 55,858 food-insecure Dallas County residents. While each box can feed a family of four for a week, the goal of the program is to provide supplemental food items so that families do not have to spend their entire budget on groceries.

One of the unique aspects of this program is that the men and women who help organize the food and set up the volunteer space are in the process of being coached to re-enter the workforce. This provides individuals with a safe training ground to learn job skills, while also giving back to the City of Dallas.

This effort could not be a success without generous community member support. Volunteers of all ages, from across the city, are invited to participate in this opportunity to give back. The Food Box Distribution Program takes place from 9–11 am on the second and fourth Saturday of each month. With your help, we can make Dallas look a little more like Heaven. To find a date that fits your schedule and register, visit

About Highland Park Presbyterian Church

Founded in 1926, Highland Park Presbyterian Church exists to lead all generations to find and follow Jesus, for the flourishing of our city and beyond. We do this through worshiping together, connecting in Christ-centered community, and serving others the way Christ served us. HP Pres offers five unique types of worship services in the reformed Presbyterian tradition: a chapel service, two sanctuary services, a modern service, an international service with African influences, and a worship community for Mandarin-speaking Chinese congregants. More information is available at

For more information:

Amy Rembert


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