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Dallas, TX: After decades of contributing to the cultural life of Dallas, Highland Park Presbyterian Church is launching its 47th annual Highlander Concert Series. The 2022-2023 concert year will be filled with vocal and instrumental performances dedicated to the glory of God. Musical talent will hail from near and far to perform in seven concerts at various locations across the metroplex, with the Season Finale concluding at the Meyerson Symphony Center in June 2023.

The Highlander Concert Series has grown in popularity over the years and now has a robust line up of musical variety, from Vincent Dubois, France’s leading organist of the Notre-Dame de Paris Cathedral, to the Tallis Scholars, an award-winning vocal ensemble that brings Renaissance works to churches spanning the globe. HP Pres’ Greg Hobbs will conduct the resident ensembles and provide all artistic direction to help ensure that each performance enriches attendees’ minds, hearts, and souls.

The season kicked off at Moody Performance Hall in September and the next concert will be on November 4, in conjunction with SMU as part of the Dallas International Organ Festival. It is expected to be an unforgettable performance with a solo organ recital by Vincent Dubois, world- renowned titular organist of the Cathedral de Notre-Dame, Paris, who plays with “consummate passion, breathtaking virtuosity, and absolute technical control”. His debut in HP Pres’s sanctuary to play the church’s 1983 Casavant French Romantic organ is a not-to-be-missed event.

“We are fortunate to have such a wonderful instrument at Highland Park Presbyterian Church where we can contribute to the cultural life of our city and host one of the world’s leading performers,” said Hobbs. “Everyone is invited to share in this experience of great artistry with us.”

The HP Pres sanctuary seats 900 people and tickets are not required to attend the November 4 performance. The 90-minute concert is open to all members of the community, including children. Join HP Pres in welcoming the acclaimed Vincent Dubois this fall.

About Highlander Concerts

After nearly 50 years of worshipping God through music that helps people grow their faith in Jesus, Highland Park Presbyterian Church established Highlander Concerts to uniquely contribute to the cultural life of Dallas. The performances reach a broader audience of new followers outside of the church walls and present exceptional, sacred music at the highest artistic level for the glory of God. Learn more and see the full Highlander Concert schedule at concerts.

About Highland Park Presbyterian Church

Founded in 1926, Highland Park Presbyterian Church exists to lead all generations to find and follow Jesus, for the flourishing of our city and beyond. We do this through worshiping together, connecting in Christ-centered community, and serving others the way Christ served us. HP Pres offers five unique worship services in the reformed Presbyterian tradition: a chapel service, two traditional sanctuary services, a modern service, an international service with African influences, and a new worship community for Mandarin-speaking Chinese. More information is available at

For more information contact: 

Amy Rembert


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