
Recently, two six-month clinical trials took the time to compare just how effective rinsing with an antiseptic mouthwash and daily flossing were to fight plaque and prevent gingivitis. Researchers then revealed both studies at the International Association for Dental Research Annual Meeting, where dentists determined that mouthwash was as good as flossing to improve gingival health and plaque removal/reduction. These results were especially true in hard to reach regions of the mouth, including the far back teeth.

Key Findings

In both studies, Listerine was used to compare against flossing. Plaque accumulation was reduced by 37.5% using nothing but mouthwash while flossing reduced plaque by 20%. Patients would just rinse their mouth twice per day using the mouthwash. Each patient group brushed their teeth on a regular schedule – twice per day.

In addition to plaque reduction, patients who rinsed using Listerine were also found to reduce their interproximal gingivitis levels, meaning their mouth was healthier overall.

Don’t Forego Flossing Completely

Just because recent research has shown how useful mouthwash can be does not mean we forego the proven benefits of flossing, especially after a meal. Research has already shown that using floss after each meal, combined with brushing, can remove stuck-on food and plaque that has built up throughout the day. Mouthwash alone cannot eliminate plaque buildup completely, though it does help to break down the substance.

For the cleanest mouth and teeth possible, combine mouthwash with flossing to remove the majority of plaque buildup and fight gingivitis before it becomes an unsightly problem.

Have you scheduled your routine cleaning yet?  Get organized for the new year and book your appointment at 214-521-3750

For more tips and tricks to keep your mouth clean, including the use of mouthwash or flossing, contact HP Dental today!  Our trained dentists work tirelessly to ensure your mouth is as clean as possible, but remember the job starts with you at home before it comes to our chair.  


Highland Park Dental
6725 Hillcrest Avenue
(next to Starbucks in Snider Plaza)
Dallas, Texas 75205

214 521-3730

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