
What is Abrash?

Esmaili Rugs and Antiques, Inc. Abr??h ?? a t?rm u??d t? d???r?b? ??l?r v?r??t??n? f?und ?n ??l??t h?nd kn?tt?d and Or??nt?l rug?. Alth?ugh ?u?h ?n??n???t?n???? m?? be perceived ?? 'fl?w?' ?n coloration, Abr??h is actually a much m?r? ?nt?m?t? and ??m?l?x ?h?r??t?r??t??.

Wh?l? many suggest Abr??h m?? b? f?und m?r? often ?n the u???r ??rt??n of a rug (top) du? t? l??k ?f ?n?t??l materials, this ?? n?t ?lw??? the ????. In b?th new ?nd ?ld rugs, abrash ??n be attributed t? ??v?r?l d?ff?r?nt f??t?r?, ?nd n??rl? any ???nt ?f th? w??v?ng f?r mult??l? r????n?:

  • Ch?ng? in dye lots: When a rug is ?r??t?d, b???? g??d? ?r? acquired t? b?g?n. As the weaving progresses, ?nd m?t?r??l? ?r? u??d, it's n?t uncommon ?dd?t??n?l w??l t? b? ?ur?h???d ?n ?n ??-n??d?d b????, ?r as th?? m?? b? ?ff?rd?d. Su?h ?m?l?m?nt?t??n ?f new dye lots may n?t result ?n a ??rf??t m?t?h.
  • H?nd??un wool: During th? ???nn?ng process, some areas may b???m? more tightly twisted th?n ?th?r?. Th?? ??n ?ff??t th? r?t? ?f ?b??r?t??n ?nd ?nt?n??t? ?f ??l?r wh?n the m?t?r??l ?? d??d, r?nd?r?ng variations ?? w?ll.
  • A nod to th? ?m??rf??t??n ?f humankind: It ?? w?d?l? known even th? most ??rf??t ?nd ???m?ngl? r?g?d w?rk?h?? rugs will h?v? ?m??rf??t??n? intentionally woven ?nt? th? rug? to ?r?v? 'n? one ?? ??rf??t but G?d.' 

Alth?ugh some may f?nd ?r?d??t?bl?, consistent ??l?r? ?????l?ng, ??m? ?f th? f?n??t, most v?lu?bl? and ??ught ?ft?r rugs ?nd ??r??t? ?f th? world f??tur? Abr??h colorways. Aside fr?m th? ???th?t?? beauty of ?l?ght stretches ?f the ??l?tt?, many ?ugg??t Abrash h?? ?v?n h?l??d attribute two ?f the W?rld'? m??t r?n?wned tw?n Oriental ??r??t? (th? Ard?b?l carpets) as h?v?ng been woven ?t the ??m? t?m?, perhaps ?n the ??m? r??m. Abrash ?? ?? ?????f?? to the n?tur?l h?ndm?d? process of making rugs m??h?n? made rug? h?v? ?v?n ?d??t?d it.

Abr??h can b? ????ntu?t?d ?v?r t?m?, ?lth?ugh in t?d??'? newer weavings it m?? b? l??? likely. Here is an un??u? example wh??h ?? ??m?t?m?? ???n today in select ?nt??u? rug?; wh?n fu?h??n? dye was ?ntr?du??d t? rug weaving ?n th? early 20th ??ntur? t? ?tt??n a d??? ?r?nb?rr? red, the color may h?v? m?t?h?d ??rf??tl? t? ?th?r ??l?r? in th? w??v?ng. Ov?r t?m? and ?x???ur? t? ?un and ?th?r, the fu?h??n? would ?g? to a v?r? pale dusty pink. If mixed with ?n?th?r l?t ?f wool with a similar color but different d??, th?? m?? ???ld ?n abrash affect as well, ?lth?ugh not ?? ?r?g?n?ll? f?r????n.


Welcome to Esmaili Rugs & Antiques. We are a Full-Service One Stop Rug Shop in the Dallas. The Go-To Oriental Rug Resource for Designers, Hospitality, and First-Time Home Buyers. Shop the Best of Everything All Under One Roof: Carpets, Tapestries, Slipper Chairs, and Rug Pillow Covers to Rug Cleaning, Rug Repairs, Rug Appraisals, and More! Explore the Fascinating World of New, Vintage, Antique Carpets & Oriental Rugs Online in the Dallas Design District. By traveling the world, browsing local street markets and establishing relationships with overseas rug makers, Mr. Ali Esmaili provides his customers with the most sought-after, hard-to-find antique rugs that exude exotic artistry, enthralling designs and remarkable shades of colors you never knew existed. From traditional to contemporary and transitional to Mid-Century Modern, our rug inventory provides fresh, colorful and fashionable options for nearly any design preference and budget. Project Collaborations with: Kelly Wearstler Proper Hotels, Soho House, Soho Works, Emily Henderson HGTV, Michelle Nussbaumer, Brady Tolbert, Sara Beltrán, Meredith Ellis, Sally Breer, Sara Ligorria-Tramp, Madhappy, 1stdibs, Chairish, One Kings Lane, & More! - Contact Ali at  
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