The Episcopal School of Dallas
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Two students at The Episcopal School of Dallas had individual films accepted into the All American High School Film Festival in New York last month. Although ESD usually takes a group of film students to the festival, this year’s scheduling did not allow them to attend. Fortunately, Sabrina Gies ’20, Taylor Maris ’21, and Upper School Film Teacher Bobby Weiss were able to view their two films on the big screen. 

The All-American High School Film Festival is the premier destination for talented high school filmmakers and media arts enthusiasts from around the world. Each year, they receive thousands of submissions and judges select the best of the best to be screened at the festival. "It is a real honor to be an official selection in this film festival and I am proud of their efforts that led to their films being shown in New York City," Upper School Film Teacher Bobby Weiss said. 

“My film was inspired by a pressing issue that I felt needed to be addressed—especially in a community like a high school. Although it was on a serious topic, I had so much fun throughout the process of creating it and it was amazing to see my vision pan out,” Sabrina Gies ’20 said. “It was fun and stressful but I'm glad I got to work with one of my friends and my parents to create a film that I am so proud of.” Sabrina received some help with editing but otherwise filmed everything on her own. 

“My film is called ‘Uniusques Olvilis,’ about the feeling of predestined nostalgia during a moment of perfection,” Taylor Maris ’21 said. “From that, I started writing all the feelings of that moment and came to this idea of being so happy in the moment and yet being sad because you know at some time the moment would have to come to an end.” Taylor worked with Michael Bagley ’21 for the voice over, Lauren Weber ’21 for the initial idea, and several other students as actors in the film. 

At the conclusion of the festival, both films were streamed at the AMC Theater in Times Square. The films will also be screened in Dallas at the ESD Film Festival next semester. Congratulations to these Eagles on their hard work and dedication!