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General Admission tickets for the 66th Annual Junior Symphony Ball (JSB)  - "Purpose with a Party" are SOLD OUT and several hundred names are on the wait list. The Steering Committee consists of over 800 students and there are just a few of those tickets still available on the website starting at $395. Visit

Over 2,500 high school students from 35 schools are expected to attend the event set for Saturday, January 27th at Gilley’s from 7:30 – 10:30 pm. The JSB is a “Purpose with a Party” fundraising event where high school sophomores, juniors, and seniors come together and celebrate with an evening filled with live music, dancing, professionally staffed gaming tables, raffles, prizes and refreshments. Chris Ferrara and The Common Good will headline the JSB when the band takes over the iconic Gilley's Dallas for the night of music and dancing.

The night will begin with DJSC, the exclusive DJ for The Dallas Cowboys. DJSC, also known as 13LACKBEARD, has also opened for Snoop Dog, Chris Stapleton, and Taylor Swift, to name a few. He has a bigger than life personality and is known by fans as the “ultimate hype machine”.  “The fans love him –he hits every major genre-and the feel-good energy at his shows is awesome to experience.”

JSB headliner, Chris Ferrara is one of the hottest acts in Nashville and is the headliner at Nashville Barstool almost every Friday and Saturday night. His combination of city boy swagger and country boy soul with be just the right mix for an energetic and exciting night for these Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors!

JSB is in its 66th year and is the longest running fundraiser of the Dallas Symphony Orchestra League (DSOL), supporting DSO outreach programs such as the Young Strings program and the Young Musicians program. It was founded with the concept of “student-led, parent-guided” leadership. While JSB has evolved in scope and participation size, it has always been a high school student fundraising event for the DSO hosted by area 10th-12th grade high school students and their parents. JSB has grown over the decades from just a handful of participating schools to over 35 at the 2023 event which raised a record amount of $415,000.

The 2024 Co-Chairs represents schools across Dallas: Cara Lichty, Episcopal School of Dallas; James Sutherland, St. Mark's School of Texas; Kate Fagan, The Hockaday School; Cash Nix, Highland Park High School; Ela Austin, Ursuline Academy; Ashton Krug, Jesuit College Prep of Dallas; Adelaide Boisture, Parish Episcopal School; Baker Trent, Bishop Lynch High School; Caroline Woram, Highland Park High School.

Their supportive and proud moms are: Suzanne Austin, Jenny Lichty, Ashley Boisture, Jonika Nix, Dana Woram, Holly Krug, Lauren Sutherland, Aimee Fagan, and Katy Trent. 

Follow JSB on Social Media

Instagram @jsbdallas


Photo by Jenny Watts Photography


Key to photo:

Front row: Adelaide Boisture, Parish Episcopal School; Kate Fagan, The Hockaday School; Ela Austin, Ursuline Academy; Cara Lichty, Episcopal School of Dallas; Caroline Woram, Highland Park High School.

Back Row: James Sutherland, St. Mark's School of Texas; Ashton Krug, Jesuit College Prep of Dallas; Cash Nix, Highland Park High School; Baker Trent, Bishop Lynch High School.

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