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Michael and Claire Catrino with Party Hosts Sarah Frazee and Daniel Mills.

The Dallas Symphony Orchestra League hosted parties and bow rehearsals for the 37th Annual Presentation Ball debutantes during the busy holiday season. The events lead up to the Presentation Ball to be held on February 11 at the Morton H. Meyerson Symphony Center where 26 debutantes will be presented. The event is the largest fundraiser for the League. The Honorary Chairs are Lisa and Clay Cooley. Karen Cox is the Presentation Ball Chair and Cynthia Beaird is the DSOL President.

Dr. and Mrs. Lewis Frazee hosted the holiday party in their elegant home on December 18th for the debutantes, honor guard and their families. A mother-daughter luncheon was held at the Meyerson on December 20. Other events included a mixer at Park House and bow boot camp.

After a semester away, the Debutantes and Honor Guard were meeting back up with the new acquaintances they met this year as well as seeing old friends.

“These events are so fun and enjoyed by all”, said Ball Chair Karen Cox. “The friendships formed through the season will last a lifetime.” 

The Miller and Averitt families have both been a part of the Presentation Ball since the inaugural event in 1987. Vaughn Miller and Mark Averitt met up during the evening, recalling the first ball and how far the event has grown and evolved through the years. Ball founder Tincy Miller recruited her son Vaughn and also personally invited Mark. They have remained friends through these many years and both currently serve on the Honor Guard Board of Governors.

Vaughn has three children participating this year: daughter Gigi will make her debut and sons Vaughn Miller and Vance Miller are Honor Guards. Mark Averitt has a niece Natalie Duvall who is being presented this year.



Photos by Deborah Brown

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