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Nicholas Koch (St. Mark’s), Peyton Plumlee (Parish), Caroline Syler (Ursuline), Kim Noltemy, Venise Stuart, James Click (ESD), Ava Haberer (HPHS), Anne Rubi (Hockaday) and Cade Jordan (Jesuit).

The Junior Symphony Ball (JSB) on January 29th at Gilley’s was a huge success, carefully executed by more than 300 committee members. Over 2400 students from 35 schools attended a celebratory evening with dinner, dancing and music.

The total dollars were tallied, and a tremendous sum has been raised by the students. At a recent private reception, the JSB committee presented a gigantic, oversized check to the Dallas Symphony Orchestra League (DSOL) for $446,000.

Venise Stuart, the DSOL President who presided over the year, was ecstatic and her heartfelt words were conveyed to the check presenters with passion.

“I can’t express how much I appreciate your hard work and what it means to the Dallas Symphony. I am blown away by what you all accomplished,” she said.

The steering committee consisted of Mandy Click, Leah Haberer, Tiffany Rubi, Jill Jordan, Courtney Plumlee, Leigh Koch, and Cindy Syler. Student co-chairs were Nicholas Koch (St. Mark’s), Peyton Plumlee (Parish), Caroline Syler (Ursuline), Kim Noltemy, Venise Stuart, James Click (ESD), Ava Haberer (HPHS), Anne Rubi (Hockaday) and Cade Jordan (Jesuit).

The JSB is a “Purpose with a Party” fundraising event where high school sophomores, juniors, and seniors from over 35 participating schools come together and celebrate with an evening filled with live music, dancing, professionally staffed gaming tables, raffles, prizes and refreshments.  The goal is to raise critical funds for Dallas Symphony Orchestra’s music education and outreach programs such as Young Strings and Young Musicians which positively impact under-served youth in Dallas and throughout North Texas. JSB is now in its 64th year and is the longest-running fundraiser of the DSOL. 

Photo by Deborah Brown

FROM LEFT: Nicholas Koch (St. Mark’s), Peyton Plumlee (Parish), Caroline Syler (Ursuline), Kim Noltemy, Venise Stuart, James Click (ESD), Ava Haberer (HPHS), Anne Rubi (Hockaday) and Cade Jordan (Jesuit).

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