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Sneak Preview of 12 Days of Christmas only hours before the cold weather blew in


The Women’s Council of the Dallas Arboretum had a private preview night on November 10 for the 12 Days of Christmas Exhibit and it beat the cold weather only by a few hours.

Chairmen Sharla Bush and Terry Irby could not have planned a more perfect evening for Monday night’s event which included beautiful weather for a seated dinner outside on the patio of the DeGolyer Estate – not a coat or jacket in sight. Hours later, the artic cold front had blown in and Tuesday morning was greeted with frigid temperatures.

"The timing was almost a little too close for comfort," said Bush. "There was no plan B to bring the party indoors. It turned out to be a beautiful evening and over 200 people enjoyed the private viewing." 

The perfect weather allowed guests to enjoy a leisurely stroll through the gardens to view the 12 gazebos, each elaborately decorated to illustrate the song that is so well known. The exhibit features an elaborate collection of 25-foot Victorian gazebos filled with the charming costumed characters and whimsical animals made famous by the beloved Christmas carol. Each gazebo is encased in glass and extravagantly decorated on all sides to provide a dramatic, three-dimensional experience, and features mechanical parts and festive music that help bring the characters to an even more life-like state. The illumination of the exhibits is stunning at night.

Proceeds of the event will benefit A Womans Garden at the Dallas Arboretum. 

The exhibit opens to the public on November 16.

 Photos by Chuck Clark

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