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League member Linda Ivy was a model in last year's inaugural event.

The 2016 Dallas Symphony Orchestra League Fashion Notes will be held Thursday May 26, 2016 at the Warwick Melrose Hotel. Fashion Notes is a women’s and children’s fashion presentation, luncheon and auction with proceeds benefiting the education and outreach programs of the Dallas Symphony Orchestra. Cathy and Michael R. Haynes, Sr. will serve as Honorary Chairs. Event chairs are Mari Epperson and Sharon Ballew. The fashions will be presented by Stanley Korshak with DSOL members and their families modeling so there will be many familiar faces on the runway. 

Fashion Notes will begin at 10:30 a.m. Individual underwriting tickets are $250 and can be purchased online at For further information: 214-282-1595.

Warwick Melrose Hotel has underwritten the event. Additional sponsors include Veritex Community Bank and Heritage Auctions. 

Fashion Notes was launched last spring and its success has already been recognized by the Volunteer Council of the League of American Orchestras. Fashion Notes has won a Roundtable Award in the annual Gold Book competition which will be presented at the League’s National Conference in Baltimore, MD from June 9-11. 

The annual Gold Book competition recognizes outstanding projects created and implemented by volunteer associations of symphony orchestras throughout the United States and in Canada. Projects are judged by the League’s Volunteer Council each fall; those projects receiving top rankings are presented to fellow volunteers at the League’s annual Conference the following spring. All of the submitted projects will be featured online at

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