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2 Erik Hansen & Jean Liu.JPG Erik Hansen with Concertmaster Alexander Kerr and Jean Liu.

The Dallas Symphony Orchestra League held a Party of Note with Maestro Jaap van Zweden and concertmaster Alexander Kerr on April 20 at Bob’s Steak and Chop House at the Omni Dallas Hotel.

The reception and dinner was limited to 50 people, making it an intimate evening for the guests. DSO President and CEO Jonathan Martin was in attendance and did a brief Q & A with Van Zweden. The Maestro shared with the guests how pieces are selected for the concert season and details about the upcoming Soluna Festival, a 3-week performing and visual arts feast of local and international artists. The Q & A was followed by a musical performance with two short pieces played by Concertmaster Kerr.

Proceeds from the event will benefit the education and community programs for the Dallas Symphony Orchestra.

Photos by Chuck Clark

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