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The Greater East Dallas Cahmber will hoist a Ribbon Cutting for the new Bullzerk shop at 1909 Greenville Avenue on April 20 at 12 noon. Pizza will be provided by Greenville Avenue Pizza Company.

From Urban Daddy

If you’ve got a special someone in your life, reward them with a thoughtful Valentine’s Day gift.

But if you’ve got a torso, reward it with a shirt...

... at this place. It’s called Bullzerk, and it’s an amusing shop full of limited-run T-shirts, prints and other curios, now open on Lower Greenville. (Take a look around.)

It’s a simple setup of white shelves and wooden tables. But spend some time here perusing the wares, because those wares include:

—Framed posters representing neighborhoods like Deep Ellum and Uptown.

—Extra-versatile blue and green tees stating “This Is My Cowboys & Rangers & Mavs & Stars Shirt” for wearing to games. All of the games.

—A T-shirt that says “My Favorite Animal Is Steak” for placing in your vegetarian neighbor’s mailbox.

—Beer essentials like pint glasses and koozies, plus a bar of beer soap for smelling like hops and barley.

—Sunglasses and socks because everyone needs sunglasses and socks.

—Important works of literature about beer cans and penguins.

One should never stop learning.

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