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Past Presidents and Past Conference Chairs were Honored at the conference. Patsy Donosky, daughter of TASO Founder Juanita Miller, is seated on the left.

Symphony volunteers from throughout the state of Texas convened in Dallas for the celebration of the 50th Anniversary All Host Conference for Texas Association for Symphony Orchestras (TASO) held April 6-8 at the Marriott City Center. Delegates of 18 member organizations attended the two day conference. 

TASO volunteers promote and support their communities and orchestras through education programs and fundraising. The Dallas Conference brought the members together to celebrate TASO's Golden Jubilee, fifty years of excellence in Symphony Volunteerism, and to prepare to continue that legacy. 

Each year approximately 75 delegates attend the annual conference to gather information and network with their colleagues. These delegates include presidents, presidents-elect, and volunteer leaders from each organization member group, as well as symphony orchestra managers and staff. 

Dallas was chosen as the site of the 50th annual conference because of its close ties to the local community. The late Juanita Miller of Dallas was a founder and elected as the first President of the organization, presiding over the first annual conference held in 1968. In honor of its founder, TASO initiated an annual statewide concerto competition in 1997 to choose an outstanding high school musician and named it The Juanita Miller Concerto Competition. 

To celebrate the 50th Anniversary, a luncheon was hosted to Honor the Past Presidents and Past Conference Chairs. Patsy Donosky, the daughter of the late Juanita Miller, was in attendance and greeted many who had traveled from across the state to attend.


Other highlights of the conference included the Gala evening which recognized winners of the Awards of Excellence, a performance by the winners of the Juanita Miller Concerto Competition and project presentations by member organizations.  

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