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5 Alex & Christina Bolton.JPG Alex Bolton and Christina Geyer.

The Dallas Symphony Orchestra League held a Party of Note with concertmaster Alexander Kerr and DSO violinists Lydia Umlauf and Nora Scheller on October 12 at Nick and Sam’s Grille Park Cities.

The reception and dinner was limited to 50 people, making it an intimate evening for the guests. The musicians spoke briefly before playing a special musical piece for the guests.

The dinner was generously underwritten by Nick and Sam’s. Proceeds from the event will benefit the education and community programs for the Dallas Symphony Orchestra.

Photos by Deborah Brown


Key to Photos

  1. DSO musicians Lydia Umlauf, Alexander Kerr, Nora Scheller and DSOL President, Melissa Lewis.
  2. 2 Dixie Marshall, Candace Tyson, and event chair Margaret La Rocca.
  3. Don and Mari Epperson.
  4. Peter and Meg Carlsen.
  5. Alex Bolton and Christina Geyer.
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