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Color is a crucial component of kitchen and bath design and can greatly affect moods, emotions and feelings. Kitchen Design Concepts, a Dallas-based kitchen and home design and remodeling company is sharing how color is used to achieve client goals in home projects. 


Erica Illions, Residential Designer, has studied the significant impact on our emotions and overall sense of well-being that can be derived from color choice. According to Erica’s research, yellow is a bright and attention-grabbing color that works well with the natural color of food products. However, if overused, it can lead to visual fatigue and evoke strong feelings, including irritability.


On the other hand, green can be considered a neutral color, depending on the chroma. Dark yellow or blue-greens can be serene, while mauve silver greens work well with neutrals and complementary colors. Meanwhile, violet is associated with royalty, wealth, wisdom and spirituality, making it a popular choice for those seeking a touch of the exotic in their space.


Red is a stimulating color that can trigger emotions such as anger, but it's also associated with love, warmth and comfort, making it a great choice for accent colors. Pink has a calming effect but can evoke agitation in some people, while orange is considered energetic and associated with excitement, playfulness and enthusiasm, often used to draw attention.


Finally, brown is considered a neutral, safe and earthy color, but it can also create a feeling of isolation, sadness, or loneliness.


Kitchen Design Concepts uses these insights into the emotional impact of color and pattern in kitchen design to work with customers to design dream spaces within their homes.


Kitchen Design Concepts provides turnkey remodeling services to Dallas clients through a defined and refined process that shapes partnerships with each client. Kitchen Design Concepts works closely with each client to learn their lifestyles, aesthetic taste, and needs for maximum satisfaction. The company offers all three critical components of home renovation: planner, designer and builder for kitchens, bathrooms, and full home remodels.






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