
In the relentless pursuit of healing and empowerment, Dana Battaglia, the founder of Living the Dream Ministries, emerges as a dynamic force for change. As a published author of "Learning To Be An Overcomer," a passionate keynote speaker, and a relentless advocate for those who have faced abuse and the profound challenges of divorce, Dana has devoted her life to empowering survivors and fostering resilience.

A New Chapter Unfolds: Dana's Healing Lodge & Event Center

In a groundbreaking announcement, Dana reveals the acquisition of a generous land donation for the establishment of Dana's Healing Lodge. This confidential six-bedroom facility will serve as a haven for Executive Business Owners & Wives, Church Pastors & Wives, Executive Coaches who have weathered the storm of abuse or divorce recovery.

The Harsh Realities of Sex Trafficking

Sex trafficking remains a pervasive and horrifying issue that casts its shadow over countless lives globally. The physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental trauma inflicted upon survivors is immeasurable, leaving indelible scars that persist long after the immediate danger has passed. The journey to healing is riddled with challenges, compelling survivors to navigate a complex road to recovery.

Dana's House: A Holistic Sanctuary for Recovery

Acknowledging the critical need for a safe haven, Dana's House, a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit, was established to provide comprehensive support for women recovering from the horrors of the sex trafficking trade. The organization adopts a holistic approach, addressing the physical, spiritual, emotional, financial, and mental well-being of survivors. The Safe Houses will provide a secure and supportive environment, fostering healing and restoration for the most vulnerable survivors. 

A Call to Action: Supporting Dana's House

To extend its reach and impact, Dana's House and Healing Lodge are actively raising funds to establish safe houses for those affected by sex trafficking or abuse. The initiative aims to create a network of sanctuaries, providing safety and healing to survivors on their path to recovery.

How You Can Help:

  • Donate: Your generous end of the year contributions directly support the establishment and maintenance of safe houses.


  • Spread Awareness or Volunteer: Share Dana's story and the mission of Dana's House to raise awareness about the pressing issue of sex trafficking or Join The Team and Become a Corporate Sponsor.

  • Attend the First Annual Sunflower Blacktie Event: Purchase a table or ticket for this impactful event on Saturday, April 6, 2024.

In a world often fraught with darkness, Dana's House and Healing Lodge emerge as guiding lights, offering hope and healing to those who have endured unspeakable traumas. Through collective efforts and support, we can contribute to a future where survivors find not just safety but the strength to reclaim their lives and live their dreams.

For Additional Information, Contact: Living The Dream Ministries
Phone: 469-909-8384

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