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Prism Health North Texas (PHNTX) aims to take sexual health out of the closet by removing the stigma and embarrassment of taking care of one’s sexual health and promoting the importance of good sexual health. PHNTX offers its patients affordable and compassionate sexual healthcare services including HIV primary care, free STI testing and treatment, PrEP, access to affordable medication, and transgender primary care. With three health centers in the Dallas area, the Empowerment Center, Client and Community Service Center and a pharmacy, PHNTX offers health services and resources to a large community.

As Dallas’ rates of STI infection grow rapidly every year, and reach some of the highest in the country, PHNTX works to combat these issues by providing easy, affordable, and quality access to testing and treatment for anyone who needs it. With one pharmacy in South Dallas currently open, PHNTX is working to expand its pharmacy system to deliver medicine to all Texans at no additional cost. 

Founded in 1986 with the HIV/AIDS  epidemics in mind, PHNTX Health North Texas has aimed to, like a prism illuminating a broad array of colors, illuminate a broad array of futures and health to its patients. Formerly Aids Arms Inc., PHNTX Health North Texas formed to provide “hope, compassion, and care” to those with HIV/AIDS. As medicine advances and fewer people reach an AIDS diagnosis, Prism Health North Texas has slowly expanded care services to provide North Texans the opportunity to live a full life with good sexual health. 

Managing healthcare access is equally important as mismanagement can be extremely detrimental to anyone dealing with health issues. PHNTX provides case management in that they are there for patients every step of the treatment process from their first visit to their final prescriptions ending treatment. Because they want to end the taboo around sexual health, PHNTX also works to empower those living with HIV to have the full and healthy lives they deserve. For PHNTX, building community is just as important as building healthcare access for all who need it. 

PHNTX Health North Texas also works to cultivate healthcare and improve accessibility for all. The dedicated Clinical Research Program at PHNTX focuses on studies for HIV treatment, HIV prevention, Hepatitis C treatment, TB prevention, and HIV comorbidities such as HIV and aging, neurocognitive disorders, and cardiovascular disease in patients living with HIV. 

Because sexual health is an issue that never goes away, PHNTX works to sponsor and participate in events year round promoting sexual health awareness and treatment. The most powerful of these events is the annual LifeWalk in the Turtle Creek and Uptown neighborhoods of Dallas every October. Since its founding in 1991, LifeWalk has raised over 12 million dollars, with over $500,000 of that being raised in 2019. 

For more information about Prism Health North Texas, please visit

About Prism Health North Texas

Prism Health North Texas is the largest local nonprofit organization providing care to those living with HIV/AIDS in North Texas. The mission is to combat HIV/AIDS in the community by improving the lives and health of individuals living with the disease and preventing its spread. The organization has provided services including: state of the art HIV medical care, case management, prevention services including testing and counseling, research, medication assistance and substance abuse/mental health counseling. For 30 years, PHNTX has helped organize LifeWalk, the largest fundraising and awareness walk in Texas, which helps to raise vital funds to support those who are living with HIV/AIDS.

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