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The Turtle Creek Chorale, (TCC) Texas’ largest adult chorus, is back for in-person choral music performances. The fully vaccinated choir will make their debut with a performance of holiday classics at Holidays Interrupted on June 27, 2021 at 8pm.

After a year of virtual rehearsals and performances, 160 of the 250 fully vaccinated members of the chorus are elated to perform in-person at the historic Fair Park Band Shell for the first time since December of 2019 in what may be the largest in-person chorale performance since the beginning of the pandemic. 

“The TCC has always been a trailblazer,” Artistic Director Sean Baugh said. “This year is no different as we are thrilled to be one the first major choral performances since the start of the pandemic. We wear this responsibility proudly, and fully understand the importance of this milestone. As all members are fully vaccinated, we hope to create a safe atmosphere for both singers and patrons and mark this important return to live choral music.”

TCC leadership and its COVID-19 Task Force are keeping a close eye on federal and local guidelines regarding masks and other safety measures, with final decisions regarding masks for chorus and audience members to be made in the week before the show. 

The chorus is well known among Dallas audiences for its performances during the holiday season, and in response to the lackluster 2020 holiday season, has decided to launch its 41st season with a holiday tribute under the Texas sun.

“Instead of our usual magnificent holiday show, we presented a wonderful virtual holiday performance last year,” Baugh added. “But there is nothing like being together, experiencing the glorious music of the holidays in person. We all felt disappointment and empty hearts at the lack of in-person performances and knew we wanted to celebrate the season whenever and wherever we had a chance. Besides, we could all use a little joy and hope, even in 90-degree summer Dallas temperatures.”


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