
Prism Health North Texas (PHNTX) hosts its annual school supplies drive to help take the burden off their clients diagnosed with HIV/AIDS and their children affected by the diagnosis. The Back to School Drive aims to collect school supplies for children and teenagers from June 21 through July 26, 2021. Donors are encouraged to order items directly from the PHNTX Amazon Wishlist, which includes sanitizers, masks, backpacks, and other supplies needed as students transition back to in person learning.

The COVID-19 pandemic kept many students in North Texas at home through the past year and the organization is glad to help students return to the classroom safely, hoping to meet increased demand due to the pandemic. The Back to School Drive is organized in partnership with Bank of America’s North Texas offices and Cathedral of Hope, both gathering donations to be distributed through PHNTX. 

The items needed for the 2020 and 2021 Back to School Drive were different from years past because of the pandemic,” Case Manager Supervisor Neacy Turner said. “As many children are transitioning from virtual to in person learning, the need for personal protective equipment including hand sanitizer, face masks, and surface wipes is still there. We are proud to continue to assist these families, some we have worked with for several years, with preparing their students for the upcoming school year.”

Browse and purchase items for these students through the Amazon Wishlist. 


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