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Dallas Can Academy student, Todimu James Akinola-Mama was recently awarded a 2017 college scholarship from The First Tee of Greater Dallas. Todimu wrote an essay entitled “Ten Years After I Graduate” to apply for the scholarship. The scholarships are awarded to junior golfers of The First Tee who excel in academics, leadership, character development, and chapter and community involvement

Todimu’s essay described obstacles he had to overcome as a child while living in Africa and the negative encouragement he received from elementary school teachers.  He missed a lot of school when he was younger due to an illness that prompted a teacher to tell him “he was born to fail and should drop out of school.”  Those words motivated Todimu to never dropout and set his goals on attending college. 

Graduating this June from Dallas Can Academy, Todimu is busy applying to college and for financial aid.  His first choice is Texas A&M where he wants to study Aeronautical Engineering. The $3,000 scholarship from The First Tee will offer him a significant jump in paying for college tuition and expenses.  

The First Tee of Greater Dallas College Scholarship Program is available to young people who have taken part in their programs and are graduating from high school with plans to continue their education. Todimu participated in their afterschool program for two seasons and learned life lessons from the rules and etiquette taught as part of golf.  In his essay, he credits goals he has adopted that he learned in playing golf and that he hopes to maintain 10 years from now and on through life. He highlights perseverance and honesty as values that will remain important to him and help him reach success. 

Todimu looks forward to attending an awards ceremony in June with his parents where he will be officially recognized as a scholarship award recipient by The First Tee of Greater Dallas.

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