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What better way to end the school year than with good news?

The Veterans Resource Center awarded four $500 scholarships to four exceptional students at Dallas Can Academy at their recent high school graduation ceremony. Each recipient will apply the funds towards their college tuition expenses.

 Students at Texans Can Academies have experienced a non-traditional scholastic setting, but have still been able to receive a high quality education to ensure their economic independence. These graduates have overcome more than the everyday challenges of high school and are now better able to accommodate moving on to the next chapter thanks to the Veteran Resource Center’s generosity.  

The $2,000 donation from the Veterans Resource Center will honor the late veterans Comer Cottrell, Air Force Veteran and businessman, along with Bill Solamene, retired Lieutenant Colonel of the United States Air Force.   

The following are the scholarship winners with the colleges they plan to attend:

 William Dixon, III - Texas College, Tyler TX

Caroline Bravo Rosas - Mountain View College, Dallas TX

Alexus Shaw - Texas College, Tyler TX

Armondo Violante Faz - Mountain View College, Dallas TX

 These students have received their diplomas and were honored as scholarship recipients on June 10, at the Ellis Davis Fieldhouse at 7PM.



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