Council for Life

DALLAS, TX – On May 4, 2023, Dallas-based nonprofit Council for Life hosted “A Future with Hope: Changing the Tragic Story of Unwanted Pregnancies and Abortions.”  The mission of Council for Life is to empower women, men and youth to make life-affirming choices.  CFL educates the community about the humanity of the preborn baby and the complex issues surrounding unplanned pregnancies.  CFL also fundraises to provide financial support to agencies that share their mission.  

Alexandrea Crutcher, Founder and CEO of The Lullaby House, was joined by Dr. Steven Harris, a Partner at Obstetrics and Gynecology Associates of Dallas, and Lisa Freeman, the Executive Director of Thrive Women’s Clinic. The panel of experts discussed the heartbreaking fact that Dallas leads the nation in pre-teen and teen pregnancies, often further exacerbated by poverty, homelessness, abusive relationships, and the stringent requirements of the state foster care system.  The panel also explored how the availability and use of chemical abortion pills have dramatically increased, even in states like Texas, where abortion is banned.

CFL Neighborhood Event co-chairs Shirley Churchill and Carla Zeller expressed their heartfelt gratitude to the featured speakers, all attendees and Ready and John Bateman for graciously hosting the event in their beautiful home. “We were honored to open our home to share this important information about teen pregnancies in Dallas and the dangers of the chemical abortion pill,” said Ready.

To watch the video of the powerful and informative panel discussion, visit:  

About Council for Life

Council for Life (CFL) exists to empower women, men and youth to make life-affirming choices. Motivated by Christ-like love and responsive compassion, CFL is committed to raising awareness of the complex issues that surround unplanned pregnancies and to providing financial support to agencies that share their mission. Since 2001, Council for Life has raised more than $12 million to fund 70 agencies in the Dallas/Fort Worth area with life-affirming missions relating to the complex issues surrounding unplanned pregnancies. Learn more at


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