Council for Life
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2020 Life Lessons Box Lunch Chair Rivers Teske, Dr. Ashley Hickman Zink, Kelly Crawford and Daniel Crawford of Abel Speaks.

DALLAS: Council for Life hosted their annual Life Lessons Box Lunch educational event on January 29, 2020, at the Museum of Biblical Art. Close to 300 people gathered to learn how to help parents choose LIFE and choose JOY in the face of loss when their unborn child has been given a life-limiting diagnosis. 

Daniel and Kelly Crawford, Founders of Abel Speaks, courageously shared their personal story of how rather than giving their son an abortion, they gave him a name. Abel Paul Crawford's life story continues to comfort and support families who have chosen to carry a child with a life-limiting diagnosis during pregnancy. 

Maternal Fetal Medicine Specialist Dr. Ashley Hickman Zink spoke from the perspective of the medical community and shared from her experience interacting with these families on a regular basis. All three speakers pointed out that sometimes families given a dire diagnosis have babies born healthy with no abnormalities.

“We are so grateful that the Crawfords and Dr. Zink shared the importance of the dignity, worth and beauty of each and every human life,” stated Cathy Sisk,Council for Life’s 2020 President. Life Lessons Box Lunch Chair, Rivers Teske, agreed saying, “Who are we to judge what is perfect and what is not in such an imperfect world. We must support and love each human situation to its fullest.” 

About Council for Life

Council For Life (CFL) exists to empower women, men and youth to make life-affirming choices. Motivated by Christ-like love and responsive compassion, CFL is committed to raising awareness of the complex issues that surround unplanned pregnancies and to providing financial support to agencies that share their mission. Learn more

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