Council for Life
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Care Net CEO and President Roland Warren

DALLAS: Council for Life hosted their 11th Annual Men Stand For Life Breakfast on February 25,2019, at the Dallas Country Club. Coffee and camaraderie filled the ballroom as 375 men gathered together to learn why the role of men is so significant in the context of the life issue.

CEO and President of Care Net, Roland Warren, shared his experience of an unplanned pregnancy when he and his girlfriend, who is now his wife, attended Princeton University. Roland and his wife were instructed by the school nurse to terminate the pregnancy to ensure that his wife could follow her dreams to become a doctor. Roland and his wife decided to keep their child and their professional dreams. Using his love for Christ and mind for business, Roland reminded attendees of the importance of the sanctity of family and the role of men as fathers and husbands to provide for and protect family. Roland challenged the men to join him in seeking to create a culture where women and men faced with pregnancy decisions are transformed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ and empowered to choose life for their unborn children and abundant life for their families. He pointed out that the entire Christian faith started with an unplanned pregnancy from a human perspective. He called upon the men to view the life issue as a discipleship issue primarily and to become involved as transformational disciplers within their community and churches as a source of ongoing support based on the principle of replication.

Council for Life’s 2019 President Cathy Sisk noted, “Not only was it interesting to hear Roland’s approach on unplanned pregnancies from the male perspective, it was truly moving to witness all of the men in the room eager to learn more and keep the conversation going”. “I was encouraged to see many men listening intently, and gathering after the event to talk to Roland and each other,” noted  Dennis Roossien, Men Stand For Life Breakfast Chair. “Roland’s message really hit home.”

About Council For Life

Council For Life (CFL) exists to empower women, men and youth to make life-affirming choices. Motivated by Christ-like love and responsive compassion, CFL is committed to raising awareness of the complex issues that surround unplanned pregnancies and to providing financial support to agencies that share their mission. Learn more at

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