Council for Life
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Administrative Assistant Priscilla Overton, Director of Communication and Philanthropy Suzanne Everbach, Board President Cathy Sisk, Founder Emeritus Ann Carruth, PR & Media Consultant Maggie Caine, Director of Finance Natalie Seigel, and Executive Director Lee Anne Morris

DALLAS, TX Dallas-based life-affirming nonprofit, Council for Life, announces the appointment of Lee Anne Morris as the organization's first Executive Director and Suzanne Everbach as the organization’s first Director of Communication and Philanthropy. Natalie Siegewill continue to serve as the Director of Finance.

Morris brings to Council for Life extensive ministry leadership experience with Bible Study Fellowship and legal experience with two Dallas law firms. Lee Anne is passionate about speaking for the sanctity of Life and assisting the Council for Life Staff and Board educate the community about the complex issues that surround unplanned pregnancies and raise funds to support the agencies that share CFL’s mission. She helps CFL pursue its mission to empower women, men, and youth to make life-affirming choices and remain faithful to its Core Values. Lee Anne graduated from Franklin and Marshall College and Emory University School of Law.

“During my ten-year involvement with Council for Life, I have been inspired by CFL’s exceptional volunteers and outstanding staff who wholeheartedly believe in the sanctity of Life, that human life begins at conception, and that every unborn baby bears the image of God,” said Morris. “I stand in awe of the magnificent work of the CFL Beneficiaries, and I am humbled and deeply grateful to have the privilege to help CFL carry out our mission to educate our community and raise funds to financially support local life-affirming agencies.”

Everbach has been the Chief Operating Officer of Council for Life for three years and brings a depth and breadth of knowledge to the role of Director of Communication and Philanthropy. She draws from her experience as an attorney, CPA, and development director for other organizations to carry out her responsibilities. Suzanne cares deeply about the sanctity of Life and the work of CFL to protect every precious unborn baby. She will continue to direct CFL’s exceptional communication and donor development efforts. Suzanne insightfully tracks the ever-changing legal and legislative landscape related to Life issues and provides comprehensive educational summaries for the Council for Life Board and constituents. Suzanne received her undergraduate and law degrees from Southern Methodist University.

Natalie Siegel will continue to serve as the Director of Finance for Council for Life. She has been involved with Council for Life since 2009 by contributing her experience in accounting and finance to help streamline and maximize CFL’s fundraising efforts, Affiliate Program, and Beneficiary grant application process. Natalie believes in the worth and dignity of every human life and is honored to use her talents to further the mission of CFL. She received her undergraduate business degree from Southern Methodist University and Master’s in Business Administration from Pepperdine University.

Volunteer-led since 2001, Council for Life engaged in critically important Strategic Planning meetings throughout 2021 to seek God’s direction for the future of the organization. As a result of these sessions, in January 2022, Lee Anne Morris joined the team as Executive Director, Suzanne Everbach became Director of Communication and Philanthropy and Natalie Siegel continued as Director of Finance. Together with two parttime staff, Maggie Caine, PR and Social Media Manager and Priscilla Overton, Administrative Assistant, they form the CFL staff under the leadership of Founder Emeritus Ann Carruth.

“For 20 years, Council for Life has been a volunteer-led organization effectively and skillfully providing educational and financial blessing to so many mothers, babies, fathers, and families in unplanned pregnancies,” stated Carruth. “God is now calling us to do even more for our DFW community and expand our borders beyond Dallas. In 2021 we started the Council for Life Affiliate in Central Texas. To do our work, God has given us new personnel grounded in their Christian faith to lead Council for Life. I could not be more pleased with the addition of Lee Anne Morris as Executive Director, the continuation of Natalie Siegel as Director of Finance and the expansion of Suzanne Everbach into the role of Director of Communication and Philanthropy. The skills, experience, and passion these women bring to Council for Life are essential for this pivotal moment we are in for Life."

About Council for Life

Council for Life (CFL) exists to empower women, men, and youth to make life-affirming choices. Motivated by Christ-like love and responsive compassion, CFL is committed to raising awareness of the complex issues that surround unplanned pregnancies and to providing financial support to agencies that share their mission. Since 2001, Council for Life has raised more than $10 million to fund more than 60 agencies in the Dallas/Fort Worth area with life-affirming missions relating to the complex issues surrounding unplanned pregnancies. Learn more at

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