Council for Life
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Jor-El Godsey and Henry “Hank” Herman with DFW St. Vincent de Paul

DALLAS: Council for Life’s annual Life Lessons Box Lunch educational event looked a little different this year. However, the Covid-19 pandemic did not prevent attendees from learning about the lifesaving rescue available from abortion pill reversal. Close to 100 people safely socially distanced in person at Northwest Bible Church on Monday, January 25, 2021, while over 100 attendees joined via YouTube livestream during Council for Life’s hybrid event.

The event featured three expert panelists who discussed the Abortion Pill Reversal (APR) available to the many women who take the chemical abortion pill and then have immediate regret. Nearly 40% of all abortions are done by abortion pills. These women want desperately to save their baby, but have limited precious hours to find help. Jor-El Godsey, President of Heartbeat International, shared about Heartbeat’s Abortion Pill Reversal Network ( that operates a worldwide 24/7 helpline through OptionLine to connect women to a local medical professional to actively start them on the APR protocol. Statistics show that more than 2,000 lives have been saved (and counting) through APR. Leanne Jamieson, Executive Director of Prestonwood Pregnancy Center, and Becky Scasta, Nurse Manager of FirstLook Sexual Health and Pregnancy Center, spoke from the perspective of pregnancy resource centers providing the lifesaving APR regimen.

Attendees also heard from OB-GYN Dr. William Lile describing the use of progesterone in the treatment to reverse the effects of the progesterone-blocking first mifepristone abortion pill and a brave, young teen mother, a Prestonwood Pregnancy Center client, who experienced APR  and now is blessed with a beautiful baby girl. 

“Each of our program participants contributed in distinct, meaningful ways that came together in such a beautiful, divine message that only our Creator could have orchestrated.” stated Lee Anne MorrisCouncil for Life’s 2021-2022 President. 2021 Life Lessons Box Lunch Chair, Betsy Willis, agreed saying, “They are helping women not only save the life of their baby but save their own lives from tragic regret...they are all superheroes!” 

About Council for Life

Council For Life (CFL) exists to empower women, men and youth to make life-affirming choices. Motivated by Christ-like love and responsive compassion, CFL is committed to raising awareness of the complex issues that surround unplanned pregnancies and to providing financial support to agencies that share their mission. CFL is celebrating 20 Years of Life this year. Learn more at

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