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Council for Life hosted its annual Life Lessons Box Lunch event on Thursday, February 11, 2016, at the Museum of Biblical Art in Dallas. The event focused on the freedom that comes from sharing stories of life and featured the powerful personal testimony of Diann Garnett, Young Adult Ministry Leader at Lake Highlands Church and an impactful message from Jess Barfield, founder of StandforLIFE.

“Both Diann and Jess are great ambassadors for LIFE and we are honored they stood with us at our Box Lunch this year. We believe that sharing stories like theirs will continue to further influence the way individuals value life,” said Linda Dixon, President of Council for Life.

Life Lessons is the first of five annual education events hosted by Council for Life to raise public awareness of the complex issues surrounding unplanned pregnancy. Julie Hildebrand served as event chair.

About Council for Life: Council for Life exists to empower women, men and youth to make life-affirming choices. For more information visit: or

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