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Nearly 800 guests attended Council for Life’s annual Celebrating Life Luncheon on November 15th at the Hilton Anatole in Dallas. Sharing an impactful conversation about life, celebrity interviewer, Janine Turner, interviewed the inspiring Olympic gold champion and sports broadcaster, Scott Hamilton.

Now battling his third brain tumor diagnosis, Scott Hamilton shared this powerful message: “Our lives are not a coincidence. The things that happen to us in life are not a coincidence. God has a reason for each and every one of us to be here and together we can change the world.”  

Rachael Cash and Kristie McCrary served as the 2016 luncheon chairs. Generous underwriters provided seating for students from area high schools and representatives from Council for Life’s 2016 beneficiaries.  

In celebration of its 15th year, a special feature of the luncheon was a video starring Rebekah, a woman who chose life for her daughter fifteen years ago through one of Council for Life’s first beneficiaries. The video may be viewed by clicking HERE.

“We are here to Celebrate Life - your life, my life and each and every life,” said Linda Dixon, 2016 President of Council for Life. “Every life, including the life of the unborn, is equally valuable and a sacred and joyful thing to be celebrated.”   

Over the past fifteen years, Council for Life has funded 47 beneficiaries. The proceeds from this year’s luncheon will benefit Aim for Success, Catholic Pro-Life Committee, Fort Worth Pregnancy Resource Center, Heroic Media, Hope Mansion, Just Say Yes, Mid Cities Pregnancy Center, Online for Life, Pregnancy Help 4U, Real Choices, Rockwall Pregnancy Resources Center, Thrive Women’s Clinic, White Rose Women’s Center, Women’s Choice Pregnancy Resource Center and Young Lives.  

About Council for Life: Council for Life (CFL) exists to empower women, men and youth to make life-affirming choices. CFL is motivated by Christ-like love and responsive compassion. CFL is committed to raising awareness of the complex issues that surround unplanned pregnancies and to providing financial support to agencies that share their mission. Learn more at

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