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North Texas Giving Day, the largest giving day in the nation powered by Communities Foundation of Texas, is back on September 14, 2017! In eight years, North Texas Giving Day has generated $156 million for the community. Learn more about some of the thousands of participating nonprofits here on BubbleLife from now until Giving Day. Read more about today's featured nonprofit, One Man’s Treasure, below. 

Appearances often create superficial impressions, which in turn can summon judgment of one's character. Have you ever rejected buying a fruit just because it had too many spots or didn't seem to be the ripest? One way or the other, the modern society we live in today puts a subjective importance on the appearance of everything and everyone, starting from the food on our very own plate to the people surrounding us.

Throughout our busy lives, we rarely dedicate the time to analyze what’s inside. In reality, we often jump to conclusions by what is exposed on the outside. If this happens with the objects we rely on to survive, imagine when it comes to humans?

That is the very reason why our organization, One Man’s Treasure, works to better the appearance of men recently released from prison. When an inmate is released from a Texas prison, he is given an ill-fitting pair of pants and shirt, a bus pass, and $100. The delivery of a set of clothing to these men by our volunteer “shepherds” isn’t just handing them a shirt to put on their back, it’s a symbol of opportunity. These clothes allow a potential to bring a better social perspective towards these men, increasing their own abilities to see themselves in a different manner and allow others to see them in a new light.

What can an outfit of clothing really do?

Our story is about Michael, after his release from prison about four years ago, three of One Man’s Treasure’s shepherds wanted to personally deliver his set of clothes to him, after knowing him for many years through different prison programs.

Having three men who supported him in prison continue to support him in the free world, along with a ministry that cared enough to send clothes helped Michael have the confidence he needed to start over.

With help from his transition home and appropriate clothes to wear, he found employment as an electrician’s assistant and has continued to moved up in that career. After a year, he moved into his own home, married a lady he met at his church and began to serve His Lord by serving others!

To donate to One Man's Treasure on September 14th, please click here. To find out more about North Texas Giving Day, please visit

Blog authored by: Annette Jenkins, Executive Director, One Man's Treasure

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