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North Texas Giving Day, the largest giving day in the nation founded by Communities Foundation of Texas, is back on September 14, 2017! In eight years, North Texas Giving Day has generated $156 million for the community. Learn more about some of the thousands of participating nonprofits here on BubbleLife from now until Giving Day. Read more about today's featured nonprofit, JETS for the Community, below. 

In 2013, JETS for the Community was born to change the way low-income Dallas communities perceive opportunity and to help represent those opportunities in the most needed situations. JETS strives to offer educational and basic needs support to the lower income areas of Dallas County through partnerships with corporations and volunteers to feed hungry youth and provide a nurturing environment for mental and spiritual growth.

One of the primary areas of concern in young low-income Dallas communities is the absence of regular nutritionally balanced meals in households. We believe in order to address the behavioral problem amongst youth & pre-teen students and residents, first their basic needs must be met.  Even most adults get an attitude when they are hungry.  This organization is full of volunteers that have spent time serving the youth in these communities, and they help figure out what can be done to assist these children and families who are crying out for help through random acts of disruption.

We watch children day in and day out come through community center doors hoping to get extra food for later that night or for a mother who they knew would not eat themselves to ensure their children had some level of nourishment. So, we do all we can to feed the hungry families of Dallas and hope that through #NTxGivingDay, we can do more with better kitchen space to prepare and deliver meals to the increasing number of families that we serve every year.

Through our partnership with the State of Texas’ Department of Agriculture, JETS provides summer meals and has hosted training class for the annual SFSP Training Conference that would guide other interested non-profit foundations in helping to eliminate hunger in Texas.

To donate to JETS for the Community on September 14th, please click here. To find out more about North Texas Giving Day, please visit

Blog authored by: Shadwick Fuller, President, JETS for the Community

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