
North Texas Giving Day, the largest giving day in the nation, is back on September 14, 2017! In eight years, North Texas Giving Day has generated $156 million for the community. Learn more about some of the thousands of participating nonprofits here on BubbleLife from now until Giving Day. Read more about today's featured nonprofit, Chari-T2000 below. 

Have you ever needed to get out of the house even to get your child to the store or a doctor appointment but not have a way to get there? What if you had to rely on somebody’s car or van to take your child anywhere because they had a wheelchair and you were not able to transport it? Unfortunately, this is one of the many day-to-day struggles our recipients endure.

Meet Cutter. He is a fun and energetic kiddo who loves being out in his community. Cutter lives in a rural area in North Texas where public transportation is not readily available or wheelchair accessible. In order to get Cutter to his multiple doctor appointments in the city, his family relied heavily on borrowing a friend’s van. Because it is difficult to transport Cutter without borrowing a van, the family was pretty much confined to their home. One of the things Cutter loves is looking at Christmas lights however, because the family had no safe way to transport him, he was not able to participate in this holiday tradition.

Because of donations, Chari-T2000 was able to step in and help this family receive their very own wheelchair accessible van. Now Cutter and his family are able to go out and be in the community as often as they want. Cutter’s mom sent us a thank you note stating, “Ya’ll have made the impossible possible for us! Mountains were moved.” Now Cutter is able to participate in the activities a kid should be able to enjoy such as driving around looking at Christmas lights, go to the park or even get to his doctor appointments.

Your generous donations during North Texas Giving Day will go to kids just like Cutter. You have the power to help these kids live a fulfilled and happy life. Chari-T2000 helps families of children receive the equipment that are not covered by insurance such as wheelchair accessible vans, augmentative communication devices, feeding chairs, weighted blankets and so much more. Will you partner with us and help move mountains?

To donate to Chari-T2000 on September 14th, please click here. To find out more about North Texas Giving Day, please visit

Blog authored by: Amy Bihl, Social Worker, Chari-T2000. 

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