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We've approached the third week of Best of BubbleLife. This time, we're looking for the most iconic landmark in your hometown. We want to know what makes your community identifiable and unlike any other city in DFW.  

There are no strict guidelines for what defines an iconic landmark. It's a snapshot of your city. Something you identify as your hometown. It's a part of your community and the memories you've made there. 

If you live in the Park Cities, you may identify with Snider Plaza. It just makes you feel like you're home. You bring visitors to the fountain in Snider Plaza because it represents your hometown.

Now if you live in Uptown, you may choose Rosewood Crescent Hotel. This epitomizes your community because it's in the heart of Uptown. You know you're close to home when you see the stunning hotel. It's the landscape to your memories in Uptown. 

There's no right or wrong answer to this question. We want to see a glimpse of the place you call home.

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