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Over a month ago, the emails were flying around the neighborhood to be on the look out for Gracy, a missing 12 year old black Lab.  We posted about her on BubbleLife and followed up a few weeks later to find she was still missing.  I was delighted to get this message from the owners of Gracy and wanted to share:

"What a crazy thing! Yesterday, my doorbell rang and there was a nice Painter and his son. They say…”we have your dog, we just found her on Villanova and she looked scared”. I was shocked, and actually, didn’t believe until I saw Gracy coming out of their van.  She had been missing for 35 days. After a visit to the vet, she’s home. She’s thin, with several “battle” scars (worst one is she’s missing about 1/3 of an ear), gimpy,  and hoarse. But alive and happy to be home just in time for her 13th birthday tommorrow!

Miracles do happen. Dogs can wander for almost 40 days and return. Of course if she produces a tablet with commandments, I’m not sure what to think."

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