
You know about the rezoning battle around Snider Plaza/Chase Bank. And the Bush Library rezoning affecting our neighbors on Dyer Street. But have you heard about the next rezoning issue that's about to hit?

Highland Park Presbyterian Church (HPPC) plans to file a request to rezone the south side of the 3900 block of University and the north side of the 3900 block of McFarlin from Residential to PD (Planned Development) to create a surface parking lot -and more- for its members, most of whom do not live in this neighborhood.

Despite the strong objections of its neighbors, the church Elders (most of whom do not live in University Park) voted 24-13 to proceed wtih this plan. Senior minister Ron Scates admitted to neighbors in two public meetings: "I know how you feel.  I wouldn't want a parking lot in front of my house either."  So, it's OK for Scates and his leadership group to vote to degrade OUR neighborhood with yet another unwanted parking lot??  "Love Thy Neighbor"?  hmmmm....

We are Neighbors for the Preservation of the Neighborhood, a group of UP residents who say, "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH."  

We believe neighborhoods are for neighbors, not for parking lots. We are tired of seeing homes destroyed and families displaced for more parking lots and commercial development. We believe the ONLY proper use for the 3900 block of University/McFarlin is as a residential neighborhood.  

For 80+ years HPPC members have parked and walked to church.  A surface parking lot is not needed, especially when membership is down and alternatives (like valet parking for seniors and using a shuttle bus from the HPHS parking garage) abound.  Churches are not automatically granted the right to 'do what they want to do' just because they are a church.  Taxpaying homeowners and municipalities have rights too!

Help us preserve our neighborhood.  Learn more at www.nohppcparkinglot.wordpress.com. Email us at nohppcparkinglot@gmail.com to sign our petition, get a yard sign or volunteer.

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