
Bubblelife is pleased to welcome Andrew Portteus, MD, MPH, PA.  He is a psychiatrist in private practice and the author of the BubbleLife Blog, The Doctor Is In.

My favorite articles from his blog are Adult ADHD and As Mean As a Rattlesnake.  If you want to be the “First to Know” when Dr. Portteus blogs, join his blog. 

Everyone needs a good psychiatrist.  Fortunately, today it is a strength to seek out help.  Life is full of issues that affect us emotionally: marriage, raising children, divorce, remarriage, step-children, teenagers, toddlers, work, aging parents, etc.  Hey, that is just my own basket!    

Dr Portteus is board certified and has an outstanding background.   We are lucky to have him in our neighborhood.  An added bonus:  He has some first-hand-at-home experience with identical twins boys under 3 and a new born baby girl.

 Put him in your Rolodex  (old school – put him in your iPhone).

Andrew Portteus MD, MPH, PA
4915 West Lovers Lane
Dallas, Texas  75209
214 550 3367


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