

My name is Jake, and I graduated from HPHS in '02 (Baylor '06). I currently play keyboard/piano for a local band called "Sleeperstar", and I've started giving "modern piano" lessons to students in the Park Cities area. While I am a classically trained musician, I am more interested in trying to get kids playing the kind of music they like to listen such as Coldplay, the Fray, Ben Folds, etc. My teaching method is pretty hands on, and my goals are to help kids find new enjoyment in music whether as a completely new experience or perhaps just a break from the monotony of musical theory training. (Completely willing to teach adults, of course!)

I am available 1:00-5:30 M-F, and my rate is $50 per lesson (1 hour) + materials. The first lesson will be evaluative; finding out what kind of music your student likes and what sort of materials we'll need to buy (books, CDs, metronome, etc.). I would hope that everyone would be able to play (and possibly sing and play) a whole song by the end of the second lesson. NOTE: I do NOT teach theory. My goals are to increase music appreciation and getting your student confident and having fun on his/her instrument and with performance. My 3 words are: Simplify, Practice, and Perform!

Please call 214-212-1060

...or email jflester84@gmail.com


-Jake Lester (keyboardist, Sleeperstar)

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