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Are you prepared for an emergency?
By State Farm® agent Brent Cooper

Every year we face possible disasters - wildfires, earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes and winter storms. If a disaster strikes your home, are you and your family prepared? Do you know where important documents, medications, and essential supplies are in case you have to evacuate? Do you and your family know how you would get out of your house, what you would do with your pets, where you meet each other if you get separated? Do you have a single point of contact you can call to let others know you’re safe?

If not, now is the time to prepare. Don’t wait until faced with a disaster to begin thinking about emergency preparations. No matter what potential disaster you might face, there are basic items everyone should have in their emergency kit:

  • Flashlight
  • Battery-powered radio (don’t forget extra batteries)
  • Non-perishable food items and a manual can opener
  • Bottled water
  • Medications
  • First-aid supplies
  • Important family documents in a waterproof container
  • One complete change of clothing and sturdy footwear

These items should be in a backpack or other easily portable bag that is stored in a safe place for quick retrieval. Each family member should have their own kit. At least once a year rethink your kit and replace batteries, food and clothes.

In addition to an emergency kit, be sure your family has an evacuation plan and communications plan. Every member of your household should be fully aware of what to do and where to go in case of an emergency. Additional information on being prepared for a disaster is available from emergency assistance organizations or at

Brent Cooper, Agent
State Farm Insurance
214 987-1995

Serving the Insurance needs of the Dallas Neighborhoods of University Park, Highland Park, Lake Highlands, Preston Hollow, Oakcliff, and Coppell.

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