
Ready to make your legs high heel ready? Or maybe you are ready to complete a marathon or race in a shorter time? Your calf muscles are a great place to start and get you going in the right direction! No more skipping leg day!


What are your calves?


The calf muscle, also known as the gastrocnemius muscle, is a large muscle located on the back of the lower leg. It originates at the back of the knee and inserts into the heel bone (calcaneus) via the Achilles tendon.

The calf muscle is responsible for plantar flexion, which is the movement of the ankle joint that lifts the heel and points the toes downward. It also helps in knee flexion and is used for activities such as walking, running, and jumping.

The calf muscle is composed of two heads: the medial head and the lateral head. The medial head is located on the inside of the leg and the lateral head is located on the outside of the leg. Both heads work together to perform the functions of the calf muscle.


How can you strengthen your calves?


  • Calf Raises
    1. Stand with your feet hip-width apart.

    2. Lift your heels off the ground as high as you can. 

    3. Lower your heels back down. 

    4. Repeat for several sets.


Having trouble visualizing this movement? Watch this video.


  • Seated Calf Raises
    1. Sit on a bench or chair with a weight or dumbbell resting on your knees. 

    2. Place the balls of your feet on a raised surface, such as a block or step. 

    3. Slowly lift your heels as high as you can, then lower them back down.

    4. Repeat for several sets.


Having trouble visualizing this movement? Watch this video.

  • Donkey Calf Raises

    1. Stand with your toes on a block or step.

    2. Bend over and hold onto a stable surface for support. 

    3. Lift your heels as high as you can. 

    4. Lower them back down.

    5. Repeat for several sets.


Having trouble visualizing this movement? Watch this video.

Why is it important to strengthen your calves?


The calf muscle is an important muscle group for lower body strength and is often targeted in fitness and sports training programs. Proper training of the calf muscles can help improve athletic performance, prevent injury, and enhance overall lower body strength and balance.


Walking and Running: The calf muscles play an important role by pushing the foot off the ground and propelling the body forward.

Balance and Stability: The calf muscles come into major play when the movement requires standing on one foot of changing directions quickly.

Posture: Strong calf muscles can help improve posture and reduce the risk of lower back pain.

Injury Prevention: Strengthening the calf muscles can help prevent injuries to the ankle, knee, and hip joints by improving the overall leg strength and stability.

Circulation: The calf muscles also play a role in maintaining healthy blood flow by pumping blood back up from the legs to the heart.


Overall, the calf muscles are essential for lower body strength, balance, and overall health and fitness. They should not be missed!


If you want to read more of our Body Focus Articles see below:


Are you wanting to strengthen your calves and so much more? Please reach out to Body Renovation Fitness Center. Our experts specialize in personal training and nutrition plans to meet your every goal! Feel free to schedule a free evaluation at our website or give us a call at 214-368-3539.

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