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Over the past month, the Asian Culture and Education Society USA (ACAESUSA) has delivered 398 hot Chinese meals, Personal Protection Equipment (PPE), swimsuits, sheets, and pillowcases to those in need within our community.


They have generously lent their time and services to Parkland Hospital, Medical City in Plano, Family Place in Dallas, Clements University Hospital, The Dallas County Hospital District Police Department, University Park police officers and firefighters, Mexican American workers in the state of Virginia, and outstanding community students. 


We are gratified to see more and more members of the Chinese community join the efforts this month, including Coppell Chinese American, Valley Ranch Chinese American, UP Chinese American, HP Chinese American, and US Bank. Furthermore, we are grateful for the cooperation and compassion of the following participating restaurants: Ming Place China Bistro, Panda Express and Taste of Chengdu, Rice Pot Asian Cuisine, and Sichuan Folk.


We would like to thank our volunteers: Hongjian Li, Arnold Yan, Courtney Chen, Zhao Hong, Wendy, Xiu Hua, Qiu Mei, Wang Yan, Gao Yang, Luke Wu, Samuel Wu, Jessica Wu, Yan Wang,  Zhang Rong, Jack Sun, Liping, Jayson Ho, Jake Ho,Xixi, Luo Qin, Song Wei, Linda, Sheila, Jing Ye. Special thanks to our honorable volunteers: Gendap President Beverly Hill, Dr. Joseph Hill, Hongjian Li, US Bank Arnold Yan , JunYi & XuYan and Nancy Lin.



Also, we would like to say thank you to our individual donors for their continued support! Silver donors for those events: Liping & Jay Ho, Bronze donors: Xinlei Wang, Xie Yang, Bingxi Li, LingHua Kong, Rui Xu General support: Nancy Lin,  Wendy Zhao, Chieh Ju Chen, Chengfeng Ling, Chenglie Pan, WenChuang Hu, Hong Zhang, Lin Jing, Fan Xiaomeng. Zhou Hong and Zong Hui.


Mr. Hiren Parikh, Jill Hassmann, and Nicholas Hendren write the thank you letters to Jan Xie, the president of the Asian Culture and Education Society. "On behalf of my team and UTSW hospital, I would like to thank Asian Culture and Education Society for the kind donation of meals for our Chemistry Department staff," said Hiren Parikh, "The food was delicious and we enjoyed it very much." 


"Thank you for Asian Culture & Education Society’s recent gift-in-kind donation of 120 meals to support our staff at Parkland Health & Hospital System during this public health crisis. Your contribution allows the dedicated members of Parkland’s healthcare delivery teams to take a break and to properly nourish their bodies and minds so they can continue to heal the patients they are serving," said Jill Hassmann.

"Lunch was delicious and a welcomed moral boost in this current COVID-19 climate. We thank you for everything you do in the community and for your support,” said Nicholas Hendren from UTSW Cardiology Team.


Since the beginning of the recent COVID outbreak, Asian Culture And Education Society USA has been collecting PPE and donating to the front lines. They have also been supplying food to hospitals and families in need. They will continue the efforts with the Chinese American Community to provide charitable support to the people and institutions impacted most by COVID-19. 


"To help dissolve the hate with love, we will continue to deliver meals and PPE to front line health care workers and to the community in need,” said Jan Xie, the president of Asian Culture and Education Society USA, "Please join and support the ACAESUSA!"


Editor: Courtney Chen 

Writer: Samuel Wu

Picture: Luke Wu


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