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Bright Light Volunteers, the Dallas based non-profit designed to make the world a brighter place hosts the first ever “Shine Your Light on the World” video contest, rewarding one lucky group with the service adventure of a lifetime. 

From March 30 – May 4, 2014, middle school to University level students world-wide are invited to submit a video highlighting what students groups are doing in their HOME communities to make a difference and why they should be chosen to do similar work in a host community.   Bright Light Volunteers will reward those already involved in service initiatives in their home communities with the opportunity for 10 to participate in an expense paid service adventure of choice.

Voting in the form of “Likes” on the Bright Light Volunteers FaceBook site will determine the winner to be:

Results announced on May 6th.  For rules and regulations go to

“We are excited to invite students world-wide to participate in the “Shine Your Light on the World” video contest,” says Catherine Greenberg, founder and executive director of Bright Light Volunteers.  “I believe that given the opportunity to participate in a cross-cultural service adventure will forever shape the lives and the values of our future leaders.”

Bright Light Volunteers facilitates cross-cultural experiences between student volunteer groups and host communities abroad. The mission to promote international volunteerism and cross-cultural understanding gives students the ability to make a difference in a global way, developing international citizenship skills, and learning hands-on about other cultures.

Strong relationships with a number of host communities allows Bright Light Volunteers’ to identify key community needs and develop service projects that are safe, genuinely beneficial to the community, and promote sustainability. The host communities are enthusiastic about sharing their culture and excited to have the help of volunteers to achieve their goals.

For more information go to or call 866-612-4231. 



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