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As the school year settles in, students now are free to branch out and discover activities and interests to invest their time in. High School offers a wide variety of extracurricular activities that cater to nearly every interest. Sports, Band, Debate Teams and other competitive activities are a great way for kids to get involved, make friends and to get experiences they can use on their resumes for college applications.

It’s important for students to compliment a strong academic foundation with strong extracurricular involvements. A proper investment of time can pay off in the long run in developing a student’s educational career.  Well-rounded students with strong GPAs and solid extracurricular involvements are strong candidates for selective college admissions and scholarship opportunities.

The key to success in High School is to start thinking about time management. Balance is key, and students will have to find a way to make time for schoolwork, extracurriculars, and most importantly- having fun being a kid.  Here are some strategies your child can use to manage his/her busy schedule.

  • Devote time to studying-especially for classes you know you need extra practice
  • Find out what activities matter the most- what is the best use of your time?
  • Will you have time to
  • Set aside time on weekends to study / catch up on work
  • SLEEP: Having a consistent sleep schedule can work wonders and improve performance
  • “Me” time – it’s important to set aside time to yourself to relax/ do something you enjoy


Sometimes it can be difficult balancing a rigorous course load with after school activities. Apollo Tutors can help students improve their organization skills to manage their time, plan ahead, and answer any questions about academic subjects, foreign languages and also SAT/ACT Prep and College Counseling. 

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