Anna Mazzocchi
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It’s hard to believe that it’s almost August! It seems like it was just yesterday that we were excited about spring break. As we approach the end of summer, you may start feeling the slump knowing school is looming ahead for your kids. Here are some fun ideas to help make the most of the rest of their summertime:

Lots and Lots of Pool Days

When I was little, we went to the pool every other day! We’d pack some sandwiches, chips and sodas in the cooler and swim the afternoon away. This is especially fun with friends! If last week’s heat was any indication, we still have some scorching days ahead, perfect for splashing around in the pool.

Go to a Museum Downtown

Downtown Dallas and Fort Worth have several fun museum options, like the Perot Museum, the Fort Worth Museum of Science and Industry, and more. The Dallas World Aquarium is also a neat place for kids who are excited by animals, as is the Dallas Zoo.

Walk or Bike on a Nature Trail

If it’s not too hot, a bike ride is a perfect way to spend an afternoon and get some fresh air. Just bring some water and sunscreen, and you’re good to go!

Cooking Out

If the bugs are at bay, throw something tasty on the grill and eat outside – bonus points for fun yard games like cornhole and horseshoes!

Ice Cream After Dinner

It was always such a fun surprise after dinner when my parents would tell us to get our shoes on because we were getting some ice cream. Something as simple as an ice cream cone will make their evening, and the additional bonding time will be great for the entire family.

Going to the Library

I’m sure you’ve heard that kids lose a lot of what they learned the previous school year throughout the summer. By taking your kids to the library, they’ll have the chance to practice reading and continue to sharpen their reading and writing comprehension skills. I remember leaving the library in the summer with a stack of books I couldn’t wait to read.

Making a Picnic

Picnic in the park, anyone? This is such an easy change-up to a mundane summer afternoon. If it’s not crazy hot outside, pack up a basket and a big blanket and head to your favorite park.

Seeing a Movie

Movie theaters are nice and cool, which feels wonderful on 108-degree days. Christopher Robin and Dog Days are two family-friendly movies hitting the theaters this August.

What’s your favorite way to defeat the yearly summer slump?

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