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Coleman Brown, Mark Plunkett, Blake Rowling and Jeff Staubach host breakfast
at Old Parkland for Morgan Meyer, candidate for House District 108.

November 25, 2013 (Dallas, TX) Business leaders, real estate executives and civic leaders turned out on Friday morning to support Morgan Meyer in his campaign to replace Dan Branch.

"We are here to support Morgan because he is about three things, family values, conservative values and a strong work ethic." said Jeff Staubach as he introduced Morgan to the attendees.

Morgan highlighted his life experiences and his commitment to the district, and the families and businesses in it, as he spoke to the crowd.

"As a husband and father of three small children, I am committed to protecting our schools and our economy" said Morgan. "I will be an honest, hardworking representative that will spend taxpayer dollars wisely and put families first."

In addition to the hosts, notable Dallas names including Jon Altschuler, Travis Goff, Marshall Hunt, Kathryn Lake, Fred Perpall, Hill Perot, Michael Prentiss and Robert Rowling, Jr. were among those attending the breakfast.

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