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Only two days left to early vote in the HPISD bond election!

See what current and past members of the HPISD Board of Trustees are saying about the bond:  

"Our discussions related to the 7 schools in our district spanned several years.   We listened to the educators and experts in areas of demographics, school design and finance.  We engaged our parents, community leaders and just about anyone who would listen or talk about the issues at hand.  It was clear the right thing to present to the community was a long term plan that not only managed the continued growth of our district, but equally important, was comprehensive in its scope to improve the educational capability and functionality of all our schools; not just for our kids, but for our teachers and staff, as well.  Our community has proven many times over the past century its willingness to look to the future and make decisions that are right for those that will follow.  This is again one of those opportunities.  We firmly believe the bond proposal will allow coming generations of HPISD students to enjoy the same high quality experiences and opportunities.   We can and must think forward for them.  From your school trustees, thank you to everyone who has taken the time to learn about the bond, to those who have already voted and to those who will vote between now and election day.  We unanimously support this bond.  It is the right plan at the right time!"

Joe Taylor, Current President, on behalf of the entire HPISD Board of Trustees 


"For one hundred years, HPISD has provided unqualified educational excellence for our children.  We have an unprecedented opportunity to maintain the highest caliber of academic accomplishment for our second centennial era."

Leslie Melson, Trustee 2006-2015, past President 


 "What a privilege it is for all of us to be part of the Highland Park School District.  I hope that our community realizes that we need to take care of that privilege."

Jeff Barnes, Trustee 2001-2010, past President 


"The undeniable growth in HP student enrollment demonstrates that the quality of our schools remains strong. This bond issue gives our community the opportunity to make a long-term investment in maintaining that quality for generations to our predecessors did for us!"

Guy Kerr, Trustee 1995-2001 


"I am supporting the Bond Proposal for three primary reasons: it will protect and enhance (1) the value of our homes, (2) the quality of our schools and (3) the strength and vibrancy of the Park Cities.  To embrace the smaller, band-aid approach that has been advocated by opponents of the Bond Proposal would only compound our facilities problems and cost the taxpayers a whole lot more in the end.  We cannot take the passage of the Bond Proposal for granted.  To do so would put our schools and in turn, our whole community at great risk.  Instead, we must all stand up and fight for the passage of the Bond Proposal by going to the polls with our friends and neighbors to VOTE YES!"

Michael Boone, Trustee 1989-1996, past President 


"The facility needs of the district have been clearly identified; a bold plan for addressing these issues has been proposed.  It is now up to the citizens of the Highland Park Independent School District to determine whether they choose to pursue a path of excellence for the school children of this district or have chosen to continue in overcrowded, under-equipped houses of learning.   My desire is to provide a space for our educators and our students that will enhance their work and eliminate conditions that now stand in their way.  I believe this bond proposal will accomplish that.  After listening intently to the Facilities Committee presentation, reading the materials and having my questions answered, I fully support this recommendation."

Judy Gibbs, Trustee 1986-1995, Past President


As Early Voting continues through Friday, and Election Day comes this Tuesday, please join with these leaders and so many across our community in voting YES!  Our Kids Are Worth It!


Foundations for the Future PAC, 3419 Westminster #351G, Dallas, TX 75205

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