
From Your A-List Concierge:
What do you think of when you hear the words Deep and Ellum side by side? You may call up memories of great live music, or arts festivals or getting lost on your way out and finding something amazing. Well we think of sushi, and not just any sushi, but the best sushi known to man. The kind of expertly prepared and decadently displayed sushi that can only be found at Deep Sushi. It truly is magnificent, we couldn't imagine a world sans-Deep Sushi. So today, in an unprecedented show of kindness and love for the sushi lover, Deep Sushi is offering 50% Off Sushi Rolls & $1 Sake Today or 60% off A-List Certificates to come in and use any time your heart desires. All you have to do is use the buy now button
to purchase your certificates and the glory that is Deep Sushi is at your finger tips

For Full Details >Click Here

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