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There are those who would claim that “50 Shades of Grey” glamorizes domestic violence, and others would say the movie has nothing to do with it. While we are not in a position to resolve that difference in opinion, we welcome the discussion. We can all agree domestic violence is real. It happens every day to millions of women with or without a book or a movie. “50 Shades of Grey” and its critics have started the conversation. So let’s jump at the chance to turn a national debate into positive action. We want to raise $50,000 to make a difference in the lives of families affected by domestic violence - #50KFOR50SHADES. approached Hope’s Door to continue this conversation currently trending with “50 Shades of Grey.”  Each donor pledges $1 and the payment is not processed unless the goal is achieved.  "I am thrilled to kick-off Newstarter’s #50KFOR50SHADES campaign. With Newstarter, everyday people become as powerful as someone like Bill Gates! Newstarter gathers large groups of people who want the same thing, in this case turning a national debate over a movie into positive action by helping support victims of domestic violence through Hope’s Door.” 
- Matthew Berke, Newstarter CEO.

The beneficiary of the crowdfunding is Hope’s Door, a comprehensive domestic violence agency in North Texas.  The potential $50,000 (or more) raised will allow them to serve a greater number of families affected by domestic violence, offering emergency shelter, counseling, case management, legal aid and more.  “We are so excited about this opportunity to use a national conversation to help the organization,” said Suzanne Bock Grishman, Development Director at Hope’s Door.  “The funds will make such a difference to our organization.  Domestic violence has been a hot topic in the media lately.  As a result, we’ve seen an upsurge in public awareness and the calls to our crisis hotline have increased dramatically.  These funds will allow us to provide continued safety and shelter for victims of domestic violence, increase national awareness and the number of clients we serve. The campaign is all or nothing. If we don’t hit the goal in 30 days ... starting today, no money is collected, so please donate!”

You can donate your $1 and join the conversation by going to .  Be sure to share on social media to help us reach the #50KFOR50SHADES goal.  To learn more about Hope’s Door, visit or tweet us at @hopesdoorinc and join the #50KFOR50SHADES conversation.             

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