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Angie Kadesky, Becca Crowell, Claire Emanuelson.

Becca Crowell, President, Nexus Recovery Center, welcomed CCB members as they toured the campus 

Nexus Recovery Center is chosen as one of the beneficiaries of the Crystal Charity Ball in 2019. Members of the Ball committee were welcomed by Becca Crowell, president of Nexus Recovery Center, as they toured the campus and the Crystal Charity Children’s Center.

“The funding from Crystal Charity will support the Children’s Center, as well as initiate a new Child Development Center Program, working in tandem with the existing Center,” Becca said.


The Crystal Charity Children’s Center was built in 1999 to house a nursery, pre-school classrooms, after-school activity rooms and the medical clinic. Children experience a safe and structured environment while mothers undergo treatment. It is a vital part of why Nexus is successful at treating parenting women and breaking the cycle of addiction.

Nexus is one of the few facilities in the state that allows women to bring their children with them into treatment, including women who come to Nexus pregnant and remain in treatment with their newborn babies. Parenting women will often defer or refuse treatment if their children cannot accompany them. By allowing women to bring their children with them into treatment, Nexus is able to treat the whole family, and stop the cycle of drug abuse by giving children a safe and stable environment while teaching them healthy ways to handle emotions and the stresses of life.


This funding will support the ongoing operations of the Child Development Center, including the role of Children’s Clinical Director, and provide for additional enhancements to the services provided in the Child Development Center by providing for PRN (“as needed”) Speech, Occupational, and Physical Therapists. The continued support of the Children’s Clinical Director, who is a Licensed Professional Counselor and Play Therapist as well as the addition of Speech, Occupational, and Physical Therapists will dramatically improve the access children in the Child Development Center have to the services they need, resulting in improved outcomes.  Approximately 313 children, ages 0-12 will be served annually. 

Nexus invites everyone to join in the Women’s Auxiliary luncheon on Monday, April 23rd, featuring keynote speaker Will Bracken Evans, a local Park Cities resident with almost 30 years of recovery. He will share his story about battling the disease of addiction and how his life has changed since being in sobriety for three decades.  The event honors one of the Auxiliary’s founding members, Cai Glackin and her husband, Robin, honorary chairs. Chairs are Lindsay Billingsley and Lauren Gillette. Liz Pasquinelli is president of the Women’s Auxiiliary. Betsy Chambers is Advisory Board Chairman.

Sponsorships and underwriting are available priced from $2,500 to $20,000. Individual tickets begin at $200 with limited availability. Visit the web site at , email  or call 972-322-8416.

Event Page:    


Mission Statement: The mission of Nexus Recovery Center is to serve as a link to sobriety, independence, and dignity for low-income women and their families affected by addiction. We inspire hope, offer respect, and honor the unique differences of female addicts.


Statistics: In 2017, Nexus served 2,091 women and teens and 305 children, including 72 Nexus born babies. The January 2016, Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report stated that the United States is experiencing an “epidemic” of drug overdose deaths. Since 2000 opioid overdose deaths have increased by 200%.

Nationally, approximately 32% of all drug treatment facilities offer specialized treatment for adult women and 13% report providing special services for pregnant and postpartum women. Currently, Nexus Recovery Center is on of the few drug and alcohol treatment facilities in Texas providing treatment services for pregnant and parenting adult women and teens.


In January 2017, the New York Times, supported by data from the Department of Health and Human Services, reported that due to the current epidemic, more children are being placed in foster care. Here, in Texas, foster care children have had to sleep in state offices and other temporary shelters.


History: Established in 1971, by 1974, Nexus programs included therapy and life skills training and housed 17 women. In 1990 the facility relocated to a 12-acre campus in east Dallas to provide a wider array of services. The new space enabled Nexus to become a leader in treatment for women by allowing children to accompany their mothers into treatment. In 1991, Nexus expanded the adult women program to 40 beds. In 1993 because no treatment providers would accept pregnant or newly parenting teens Nexus began filling this service gap. In 1999, the Child Development Center was built to meet the needs of accompanying children. In 1997, Nexus opened a secondary site for outpatient services. In 2012 the adolescent program expanded to 30 beds.


Joint Commission accredited since 2006, a rare accomplishment in the non-profit sector due to the high standards required to earn and maintain. Nexus is committed to providing top-notch care for low-income women and their children.


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