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Cary Deuber and Alesia Coffman Turner, Chairs, A Night for Nexus

Save the date for Friday, October 25, 2019!

 Save the date and join Alesia Coffman Turner and Bravo’s The Real Housewives of Dallas’ Cary Deuber as they chair A Night for Nexus benefiting Nexus Recovery Center on Friday, October 25th at The Joule. Themed a Brazilian Carnaval!, the soirée is a masquerade masked ball beginning with cocktails on the rooftop terrace followed by dinner, a live auction and dancing in the colorful Joule Ballroom. Alisha Laventure is emcee. Black-tie optional. 

         As a very special treat, the kick-off will be an exclusive private party at Cary’s home with a sponsorship of the gala at $5,000 or more.

Nexus specializes in substance abuse services for females, offering programs for adult women and teenage girls ages 13 to 17, including those pregnant or accompanied by children. Nexus offers one of the few programs that invite women to bring their children into treatment as they recover from substance abuse issues and beyond. Becca Crowell is president of Nexus Recovery Center.

Join us as supporters of this vital nonprofit organization and have an absolutely fabulous time with friends. Sponsorships and underwriting are available priced from $3,000 to $25,000. Individual tickets begin at $300 with limited availability.

This very special evening would not be possible without our sponsors, including Texas Instruments, PaperCity magazine and M2 The Rock/Michael Molthan as of July 29th

For more information and tickets, visit the web site at, email  or call 214.321.0156 ext. 2104/2142. 

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Mission Statement: The mission of Nexus Recovery Center is to serve as a link to sobriety, independence, and dignity for low-income women and their families affected by addiction. We inspire hope, offer respect, and honor the unique differences of female addicts.

 In 2018, Nexus served 1,969 women and teens and 341 children, including 64 Nexus born babies.

In March 2018, Forbes reported that drug overdoses are the leading cause of death from injury in the United States and that women are more susceptible to become addicted to drugs as a result of gender-specific issues. The Hartford Courant reported that women face a higher risk for an opioid addiction and women have significant barriers to receiving treatment. Because addiction takes hold of women faster and results in increased negative physical effects, women generally come to treatment for addiction in worse shape than men.  

Drug overdose deaths have outpaced motor vehicle accidents and gun homicides combined, killing Americans at a faster pace than the HIV epidemic did at its peak. The US consumes more opioid pain medication than any other country on Earth, and drug overdoses are now the leading cause of death in Americans under 50. These statistics have spurred multiple governmental entities to name this the defining epidemic of our generation.

Women-specific treatment is needed to accommodate gender-specific needs and barriers such as; child care, psychiatric problems, trauma induced by physical or mental abuse and increased inability to pay.

History: Established in 1971, by 1974, Nexus programs included therapy and life skills training and housed 17 women. In 1990 the facility relocated to a 12-acre campus in east Dallas to provide a wider array of services. The new space enabled Nexus to become a leader in treatment for women by allowing children to accompany their mothers into treatment. In 1991, Nexus expanded the adult women program to 40 beds. In 1993 because no treatment providers would accept pregnant or newly parenting teens Nexus began filling this service gap. In 1999, the Child Development Center was built to meet the needs of accompanying children. In 1997, Nexus opened a secondary site for outpatient services. In 2012 the adolescent program expanded to 30 beds.

 Joint Commission accredited since 2006, a rare accomplishment in the non-profit sector due to the high standards required to earn and maintain. Nexus is committed to providing top-notch care for low-income women and their children.

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