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Suzanne Asaff Blankenship
Suzanne Asaff Blankenship, known as the eldercare navigator and author of  How To Take Care of Old People Without Losing Your Marbles will be at the Audelia Road Branch Library of the Dallas Public Library, Saturday, September 9 at 2:00 for a discussion on the importance of elder advocacy.  Address is 10045 Audelia Road, Dallas, TX 75238. Phone number is 214-670-1350. 
 Suzanne will share tips and guidance on how you can be a more efficient and effective advocate – leaving you with more time AND more marbles! 
How To Take Care of Old People Without Losing Your Marbles navigates you through turn after turn of the most worrisome and frustrating eldercare issues—helping you stay ahead of the inevitable next emergency.
Suzanne shows you how being organized, having a plan, and approaching eldercare as you would an ongoing project will help center you in the care mode, rather than in the panic mode. Suzanne delivers her practical guidance with a spoonful of laughter, lightening the load of those immersed in an often-challenging journey.
Along with her sanity-saving guidance, Suzanne will have you crying tears of laughter with her quips, her lens of humor and her refreshing honesty.
She will also share her new informative article on Elder Emergencies – Stay Ahead of the Storm.  Staying ahead of the next eldercare emergency gives you some peace of mind about their safety and security.   But, it also allows you to focus more on the care and less on panic when the inevitable emergency does arise (health, fall, natural disaster or any other).
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